MULTIX: Advancing 6G-RAN through multi-technology, multi-sensor fusion, multi-band and multi-static perception

The MultiX project aims to revolutionize the 3GPP Radio Access Network (RAN) design and operation by developing a pioneering MultiX fusion Perceptive 6G-RAN system (MP6R) that will support an integrated multisensor, multi-static, multi-band, and multi-technology paradigm to enable multi-sensorial perception for future 6G sensing applications. To fully address the 6G Sustainability goals, MultiX will explore AI’s full potential across all layers of the MP6R and develop an energy efficient AI architecture for adaptive ISAC transmitter/receiver and distributed learning with a novel low power AI engine design.

MULTIX Objectives

Provide use cases and reference scenarios that can show the benefits of MultiX

Through the analysis of relevant use cases, functional/non-functional requirements will be collected and provided to the MP6R reference architecture in WP2 and MPS in WP3. Based on the designed use cases and scenarios, deployment guidelines for operators will be developed. In particular, an optimal deployment analysis will be provided, considering business opportunities and technological aspects from the operator's perspective, while meeting the identified Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Integrate multi-technology, multi-sensor, multi-band, and multi-static perception into the MP6R

Based on a system architecture built on the upcoming 3GPP Release 20 (R20) and O-RAN specifications, design and develop enhancements to support aggregation of perception data from multi-technologies and multi-sensors, their processing and exposure to third parties in a secure, privacy-preserving and trustworthy wa.Support vertical and horizontal HOs and network selection procedures considering perception requirements, while exploring the use of AI / Machine Learning (ML) for novel connectivity options to enhance the perception capabilities of the network.

Design and develop the MultiX perception system (MPS)

Design the MPS, a novel approach to providing perception to the network. Current sensing approaches will be enhanced with multi-band, OTFS-based, programmable environments and disaggregated architectures. Integration of multi-technology RATs in the MPS, considering multi-static deployments, where synchronization is key. Consider AI for the distributed processing of the raw data into actionable information, including natively energy-efficient AI design of receiver architectures that jointly leverage on signal processing domain knowledge and brain-inspired, event-based operation.

Demonstrate the benefits of the MultiX system in PoC

This objective focuses on integrating the data- and control-plane components developed in MultiX to build working PoCs implementing the services, functionalities and workflows specified in the system architecture. The system integration will be performed in iterative cycles, taking as input the hardware (HW) and SW modules continuously delivered from WP2 and WP3 and providing the required feedback in terms of bug fixing, missing features or potential improvements. The two PoCs analyzed at the beginning of the project will be the basis of evaluation, validation, and verification of the project outcomes.

Disseminate, impact, exploit

This objective focuses on the dissemination of the main project results to the broadest possible audience, including relevant SDOs, and the communication of project activities and achievements by using different channels (social media, newsletters, participation to public events, organization of workshops, panels, and other relevant actions), so to maximize MultiX external reach and impact. Open Science practices will be followed, when disseminating and communicating the project results and fulfilled goals.



















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