D1.1: MultiX Perception 6G use cases, reference scenarios, requirements, and KPIs
This deliverable will include the relevant 6G perception use cases identified in the project, including their requirements, reference scenarios and the relevant KPIs/KVIs for their evaluation. This deliverable will include at least analysis of the different use cases already defined as PoCs in this document.
D1.2: Deployment aspects, techno-economic, societal, and environmental analysis
This deliverable will provide a deep analysis and assessment of the deployment aspects and possible impacts of the MultiX technology at societal and environmental levels. It will also include a techno-economic analysis of the MultiX deployment.
D2.1: MultiX perceptive 6G-RAN system design v1 – focus on initial DASH design
This deliverable will include the initial architecture of the MP6R, considering the extensions to integrate the sensing capabilities of non-3GPP technologies and initial analysis of the impact on mobility and the new options open when using novel connectivity options (e.g., IAB). Initial design of the DASH along with the functional requirements will also be included.
D2.2: MultiX perceptive 6G-RAN system design v2 – focus on sensor fusion, mobility, and new connectivity enablers
This deliverable will enhance v1 of the MP6R architecture, focusing and deep delving into the mechanisms for sensor fusion and modifications needed to handle mobility and new connectivity options. Initial version of the DASH implementation will be reported in this deliverable.
D2.3: MultiX perceptive 6G-RAN system design v3 – focus on overall MP6R system design, algorithms, and final DASH implementation
The final deliverable of WP2 will include the final design of the MP6R and the DASH. This deliverable will be composed of a report and software implementing selected functionalities of the DASH
D3.1 MultiX perception system enablers v1 – focus on perception enablers design including AI and multi-technology, multi-static perception
This report will disclose the design of innovative perception enablers including channel models, multi-band, multi-technology, and multi-static sensing algorithms. A section will be dedicated to energy-efficient
AI-based solutions for PHY perception enablers.
D3.2: MultiX perception system enablers v2 – focus on MPS system design
This report will disclose the late-stage design and validation of the MPS, with a focus on system design choices to combine the different enablers developed within WP3.
D3.3: MultiX perception system enablers v3 – focus on implementation and experimentation
D3.3 will include a report and the implementation of the MPS, with a focus on the experimental validation of the different enablers and their integration. This deliverable is composed of a report and software, implementing selected functionalities of the MPS.
D4.1: Open Labs design and integration and validation methodology
This deliverable describe the initial testbed setup to support the system level integration and validation and
the PoCs of the project. Moreover, this deliverable shall define the testing and validation methodology to be used for the integration and execution of the PoCs.
D4.2: Report on the MultiX validation through PoCs
This deliverable shall cover the description of the roadmap for the integration and validation activities
with a report on the initial system and PoC level activities. Moreover, this deliverable shall report on the targeted updated for the Open Lab design for validation. This deliverable shall also include the design, description and software assets at the vertical service level developed for the PoC validation.
D4.3: Final Report on MultiX integration and validation and POCs replicability
This deliverable shall detail the final validation results, Open Lab design and vertical service software assets produced for the project validation. This deliverable will describe the scenarios for the TRL4 and TRL5 validations, and PoC future integration and re-usability mechanisms.
D5.1: Data Management Plan
This deliverable defines the output management plan (considering the different sorts of results from the project and not only data) to be used to keep track of all outputs of the project and make sure they follow FAIR principles.
D5.2: Communication, Dissemination, and Exploitation Strategy Plan (CoDESP)
This deliverable details the project communication, dissemination, SDO impact and exploitation objectives, and defines target stakeholders as main beneficiaries of the project results.
D5.3: Communication, Dissemination and
Exploitation Plan (CoDEP) Report for Reporting 1
This deliverable provides the status of Communication, Dissemination and exploitation activities carried out in RP1, as well as an analysis of the level of application of the Open-Science measurements.
D5.4: Communication, Dissemination and
Exploitation Plan (CoDEP) Report for Reporting 2
This deliverable reports the overall achievements of the project and outlines the Exploitation actions after
project end. In addition, it provides the final analysis of the level of application of the Open-Science measurements.
D6.1: Project Handbook
This report contains the set-up of management procedures and documentation handbook. It will include a section devoted to describing the practices to be followed by the project to promote gender equality, together with the mechanisms to monitor and assess the progress.
D6.2: First Periodic Report of the Project
This report constitutes the nonfinancial part of the Periodic Report to be delivered two months after the end of the period.
D6.3: Final Periodic Report of the Project
This report constitutes the nonfinancial part of the Final Periodic Report to be delivered after the end of the project